Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Energy = Thoughtful

Last night I got plenty of sleep, so this morning I hit the floor both feet running. I had two cups of coffee and there was no holding me back... from watching like, four episodes of Invader Zim. What a great show. After lunch/breakfast, I felt so good I even showered and put on clean clothes. The dirty pants and stinky sweat shirt I had been wearing all week found themselves in the laundry pile, and I even toyed with going for a walk. Instead, I did the dishes, fed the baby, and read a little.

As I was reading I had my ipod on in the kitchen, and a song came on that I found freshman year in college. My freshman year was really great. Especially fall term. It was the first time I was out of the house, I didn't have a job, classes were easy... it was a great time. I had only one responsibility: do passably in class. I didn't even have a girlfriend. I would stay up late at night watching downloaded movies or playing computer games. The computer was my only media device at the time. The only other material thing that I had was my mini-fridge. I didn't have any DVDs, ipods, video games, tvs, Xboxs... nothing. If you can't tell by now, it made me quite nostalgic. As I was sitting in my easy chair beneath my heavily-laden bookcase, cradling my baby girl, my ipod on in the background, I realized that someday I'd be nostalgic for that moment too. It was an encouraging thought. I sometimes lose myself in nostalgia and forget the time I'm living in now is also a good time. Now is good. Could be better, but could also be so much worse.

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